2022-2023 Playoffs
The NFL Playoffs have started.
These are exciting times during the live of many Americans.
American football is the number one sport in the United States.
Millions of people will watch the games as these are usually the best teams during the season and will create very competitive games.
The American Football Conference is led by the top-seeded Kansas City Chiefs, then the Buffalo (New York) Bills are second, the Cincinnati Bangles are third, next are the Jacksonville Jaguars, then the Los Angeles Chargers, followed by the Baltimore Ravens, and then last is the Miami Dolphins.
アメリカン・フットボール・カンファレンスはKansas City Chiefs、the Buffalo (New York) Bills、the Cincinnati Bangles、the Jacksonville Jaguars、the Los Angeles Chargers、he Baltimore Ravens、the Miami Dolphinsのチームがあります。
Now for the National Football Conference, the leader is the Philadelphia Eagles, followed by the San Francisco 49ers, Minnesota Vikings, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Dallas Cowboys, New York Giants, and then lastly the Seattle Seahawks.
対して、ナショナル・フットボール・カンファレンスはthe Philadelphia Eagles、the San Francisco 49ers、Minnesota Vikings、 Tampa Bay Buccaneers,、Dallas Cowboys,、New York Giants、he Seattle Seahawksです。
Who do you think is going to go all the way and win the Super Bowl Championship?
スーパーボウル :(Super Bowl) (NFLの優勝決定戦。アメリカ合衆国の最大のスポーツイベント:NFLの2つのカンファレンス、AFC とNFC)の優勝チームの間で争われる。