

Physical English Volleyball

Physical English Volleyball

Happy new year everyone. Hope you had a nice break.

This is Ryan from The Sports English Department.

After a long break, the students kicked off their first lesson back with volleyball. After meeting up at the gymnasium, the first thing they had to do was set up the court. That sounds easy but for most of the students, this was their very first-time playing volleyball.



This was a good team-building exercise and a nice way to catch up after the holiday.


Next, was a warm-up. Here we did a 15-minute warm-up with high-intensity movements and ballistic stretching. The gymnasium was cold and we had to make sure to warm up correctly to avoid any injuries.


From there, they learned the 2 basic ways to serve. The first was the static underhand serve and the second was the static overhand serve. For this, the teacher taught the steps needed to do the serve correctly. まずは2通りのサーブの打ち方を学びます。最初はアンダーハンドサーブ。講師が英語で一つ一つのステップを説明していきます。

When it was the students’ turn to serve, they repeated the steps out loud before they served.


Finally, after they finished all the drills and practices, the students played a small game of volleyball focusing on the serves they had learned.


The match went well with some great serves and rallies. During the game, students were naturally using English such as, “I’m open”, “pass to me”, “great shot, etc.”

素晴らしいサーブやラリーが繰り広げられた試合展開でした。ゲームの最中に、”I’m open”「ここ空いてるよ」、”Pass to me”「こっちにパスして」、”Great shot”「ナイスショット」など、英語を使いながら競いました。

Usually, students revert to Japanese when they are having fun or if they are under pressure. However, it was great to see the students using English naturally with very little Japanese. Well done everyone and keep up the great work!



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