






Hi! Craig here with an update for you on our activity outside of the Sports English Department.

Last week I had the pleasure of taking a trip to Muraoka High School in Hyogo.  We gave a demonstration lesson about sports verbs and sports listening.

Do you know what verbs we use for different sports? Let’s say you were asked…

“What sports do you play/do?”

I think most Japanese people know how to say “I play football.”, “I play tennis.”, “I play rugby.” etc but what about other sports like archery and judo?

In the demo lesson we looked at the three main verbs we use with sports.  Go, do, and play.  It can be surprisingly difficult, so let’s take a look…

With activities ending in “~ing” we usually use the verb “go”.  So, for example, “I go swimming.” “I go running.” “I go bowling.”  This is because we often go to a certain place or facility to do these sports.  In addition, we can take away the “~ing” and make a verb.

That means you can say…

Swimming “I swim.”

Boxing “I box.”

Jogging “I jog.”

Curling “I curl.”

Jogging “I jog.”

With a lot of individual sports, martial arts, and sports that don’t use something like a ball, we often use the verb “do”.  So, “I do archery.” “I do long jump.” “I do karate.”

If we are talking about team sports that use a ball or an object, we use the verb “play”.  So, “I play badminton.”, “I play rugby.” etc.

In the lesson, we looked at fixing katakana pronunciation for a variety of sports, and then we thought about what verbs we should use with them.  After that, we made it harder by listing different sports in a sentence.  Let’s say you do a variety of sports.  How would you say 私はアーチェリー、ボクシング、そしてサッカーをやっています in English?

That’s right, you have to change the verb for each one! “I do archery, I box and I play soccer.”

The students at Muraoka were really energetic and they seemed to have a lot of fun in the lesson.  I hope they got something out of it!


例えば、“What sports do you play/do?”と聞かれたらどう答えますか?

ほとんどの日本人の方は “I play football.”, “I play tennis.”, “I play rugby.” などご存じかと思いますが、では他のスポーツ、例えばアーチェリーや柔道ではどうでしょうか。

デモレッスンでは、go, do, playの3つの動詞についてみていきました。

“~ ing ”で終わる活動に関しては、通常“go”を使用します。例えば、

”I go swimming.” “I go bowling.” です。これはなぜなら、だいたいある場所や建物に行ってそのスポーツをするからです。

さらには、ing を除いて動詞を作ることもできます。


Swimming “I swim.”

Boxing “I box.”

Jogging “I jog.”

Curling “I curl.”

Jogging “I jog.”

多くの個人競技や、武道、そして例えば道具などを使わないスポーツの動詞には通常 “do”を使います。

“I do archery.” “I do long jump.” “I do karate.”

チームスポーツやボールなどを使用するスポーツに関して話す時には、 “play” を使います。

“I play badminton.”, “I play rugby.” etc.





“I do archery, I box and I play soccer.”



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